Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday 7AM
Another cool gray autumn day here in Tokyo.
I had a good night last night. I slept very soundly :)
Funny thing is they took my wonderful Tempur mattress away, actually that is not fair, they came and they asked VERY nicely explaining that there was a patient that was bedridden who could really use the Tempur mattress. They had another mattress for me, this one would be quite a bit thicker and has a soft foam top with a more solid sub-mattress. It turns out that it is even more comfortable than the Tempur mattress :)
How wonderful it is to be able to sleep almost all night long in a deep sleep.
I am looking forward to my wife and daughter Mizuki coming to visit this morning it will be nice to see them.
It should be a nice easy Sunday here, I'll get some more walking in and I'll listen to more audio books.
My back is still leaking quite a bit, but that is maybe a good thing, the more if that stuff that comes out the better. The wound is healing nicely, and does not hurt, all good points.
I hope you are having a great weekend!



  1. It's great that you're getting some walking in but just why are the nurses laughing? You using some of that Canadian humor on them ? :)

    Beautiful day here near Boston. Mid 60's, the bikers were out in droves! I wish I could have joined them but it was family duty and chores (plumbing, cooking, laundry) day while Joyce attended a class.

  2. Hey Rich!
    The nurses are amused, I think that most of the people here would much rather sit on their butt and watch TV rather that move. There are a lot of patients here that have had knee replacements or hips etc and the have rehabilitation daily. The majority of these people have to be urged to do any other exercise outside of their regular rehabilitation. I guess that makes me odd(er) than usual. Like I said they are not mocking me they are laughing with me :)
    Too bad you could not get out on your bike, I cannot imagine that you will have many more weekends this year, oh well, spring will come!
