Thursday, November 25, 2010

My back "popped"
Back to the hospital so they can fix me
Leaking like crazy
Does not hurt but feels weird to be leaking


  1. I am fine. 
    Nothing they can do, the incision did not heal perfectly and a pocket formed under the surface. This filled with lymph fluid and "popped" the incision, bummer. They can only leave it alone and just keep it covered and let it heal filling in the pocket. 

  2. Stu, didn't they put a drain in the incision when they closed you up?

    Just sorry to hear you've hit a bump in road. This to shall pass. (That's my favorite saying these days!)

  3. Hang in there bro
    This is a set-back but it will just make your victory over this challenge even sweeter. Rest, time and patience.

  4. Stu,

    Are you in any pain or is it just leaking? When the back is involved it can be really annoying..i know from experience and i only had a growth removed.

  5. I'm doing fine, thanks for the comments guys!
    It does not hurt, the darn tape and bandages itch like crazy, but I have a couple of back scratcheres around the house :)
    It is just ugly and I have to keep it clean and covered, but it will heal, in time.

