Thursday, November 11, 2010

Glory glory!!
They removed that catheter (can we saY OUCH) and I am able to get out of the torture rack they call a bed.
The lymph nodes they checked came out with a clean bill of health!!!
I was even able to eat some breakfast. I had not eaten in 38hrs.
I was hungry but I only ate a small but.
I am a lot better than I was just six ours ago!


  1. Stuart I am so happy!!!!!!!!!!

    Praise the Lord

    Love Aunty Pat

  2. Hang in, hang out and heal up, my friend.

  3. That's good news...get to feeling better. :-)

  4. Hi Stu,

    Left a message on your cell phone. GREAT NEWS!!!! Let me know your room number and I will bring some low cal cookies and ice cream. Best wishes, Kyle
