Friday, November 12, 2010

A hot cup of coffee to start my day :)
I bought some Starbucks instant coffee and they have hot water here so now I can have my morning cup of Joe to start my day off.
Even the smell of coffee after a few days without it makes me smile :)


  1. You mean you don't get Tim Horton's shipped in?

    You're up early, too. Is that the hospital's idea or yours?

    How's the pain management today?


  2. No Tim Hortons here. Actually when I left Canada in 1990 TH was not nearly as big as it has become now, especially in BC where I am from.
    Up early yeah I am having some trouble resetting my clock. I am usually up until at least 1 AM or later. Lights out in the wards at 9PM they don't make you go to sleep then, lots of the guys stay up and watch TV (not me!!) then lights in at 6AM breakfast usually before 8AM.
    breakfast is served so I have to run :)

  3. Boy did beakfast suck :) I saw the menu and I was excited as it said "bread" so I thought I was going to get some toast for breakfast …
    Nope I go two slices of white bread sealed in a plastic bag and warmed up, so the bread was kind if "steamed" and to add to the folly they give you a pat of butter that is about 1" square by 1/2" thick and is just this side of frozen :)
    How you are supposed to eat that I don't know???
    The only saving grace was the small packet of apricot jam.
    At least the coffee was good :)

  4. Lousy hospital seems to be a universal constant! Can your wife bring in a few supplies for you?


  5. Yeah Chuck I think some aspects of hospital life are tha same anywhere you go.
    Here in Japan we have to bring all our own towels and clothes and you are responsible for washing them too. Same with your toiletries, BYO :)
    What I want is my Tempu matteress I have at home it is SOOOO much more comfortable than the 2" thick slab of stone they have on the beds here :(
    I am toying with the idea of sneaking out to sleep on the compy couches in the lobby near the nurses station :)
